A Look At The Growing Popularity Of Beer In The United States

From the stainless steel growler to the personal keg to simply having a glass of the stuff at dinner time, there are so many ways to drink beer. And all of these different ways are taken advantage of, as beer is a widely regarded and highly enjoyed adult beverage for many different people here in the United States. In fact, beer is the preferred alcoholic beverage, with more than fourteen percent of all of the residents of the United States drinking beer at least once a week, if not even more frequently than that. On top of this, more than forty percent of the population that is at or above the legal drinking age says that they prefer drinking beer over any other type of alcoholic beverage, such as wine or hard liquor. All in all, beer consumption is on the rise here in the United States, with the average person living here consuming more than twenty seven gallons of beer as w

11 Cool Beer Gifts

If someone in your life loves beer, you’ve already got an in when it comes to choosing gifts. Here are some of the best beer gifts you can give to the beer lover in your life.

Custom Growlers

Beer growlers allow their owner to bring home their favorite brew on tap at the local pub or to share their own homebrew. There are plenty of growlers for sale, so it’s easy to find one that your friend will love. An insulated beer growler will keep their suds cold. A customized growler can be used to show support for their favorite sports team or cause.

A Personal Keg

If even a growler isn’t quite enough for your friend, a personal beer keg could be a great way to show you care. These will keep the beer carbonated and fresh at all times.

A Stylish Bottle Opener

Just like the smoker in your life wants a personalized lighte

Are Starting a New Indoor Grow Business?

Finding the right plant support is key to having a successful indoor growing system. Whether you are trying to find a way to grow your own vegetables year round or you are trying to set up an operation to capitalize on the legalization of both medicinal and recreational marijuana, it takes a good deal of research to be successful. Necessary plant support can include everything from finding and correctly timing the best growlights to understanding how to diagnosis a plant and determine the kind of nutrients that are needed to correct any deficiencies.
From trellis netting for plants that grow better when they are allowed to climb to understanding hydroponic grow supplies and their purposes, it is important to make sure that you have done all of the research and invested the time in planning before you begin. The equipment that is needed is expensive, but so are the start u

Four Tips for Getting More Ice Cream Sales

Summer is upon us. June is the month America produces the most ice cream, and June and July are the months when we eat the most of it. But our enjoyment of delicious frozen treats doesn’t stop when the cool weather comes in. In any given two weeks period at any time of the year, research by the NPD Group shows that about 40% of the country will eat some ice cream.

Despite that statistic, we all know there are some times when sales are going to slump. If you’re looking to increase sales of ice cream, here are four tips to get a better awareness of your frozen dessert brand.

Get Custom Ice Cream Containers

We’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but we do. People will care about your ice cream containers. They will look at them and immediately judge the quality of your ice cream, the value related to the price, the trustworthiness of your brand, and even your stance on social and environmental issues. They’ll even care about the color of your ice cream containers!


Winery Visits Are a Popular Tourist Stop in Many Parts of the Country

When your daughter told you that she wanted an outdoor winter wedding, you were a little caught off guard. From several of the social media sites that she follows, of course, she had beautiful pictures of brides and their wedding parties surrounded by radiantly white snow. If the idea of an outdoor winter wedding in the midwest caught you off guard, that surprise paled in comparison to the idea of having a wedding at one of the are wineries.
In your day weddings were held indoors, in a church, not a snowflake to be found. And certainly no wine, unless, of course, it was a Catholic wedding and they were serving communion.
As you summoned up all of the patience that is required of the mother of the bride, however, you visited a couple of wineries your daughter was considering. Turns out, these places are often built on beautiful hills with a restaurant or lounge looking out over the valley. Two of them, in fact, had an entire wall made of windows that looked over scenery that loo

Why is July National Ice Cream Month?

It’s the law: July is National Ice Cream Month. Which works just fine, since people are eating large quantities of their favorite dessert at the hottest time of the year. When it comes to favorite desserts, ice cream beats out other sweet, frozen treats by a big margin. So the best thing is to stock up on different flavors, dessert cups, and plastic spoons and prepare for a sweet, cold summer.

Proclaiming National Ice Cream Month
July is one of the hottest months of the year. It’s also the month when the most ice cream is produced in the U.S. Coincidence? We think not! In fact, a Presidential Proclamation in 1984 said pretty much the same thing, adding that ice cream is a nutritious and wholesome food and the perfect dessert. The same proclamation declared July to be National Ice Cream Month, and the second Sunday in July to be National Ice Cream Day. America

Behind The Popularity Of Coffee In The United States

If you love coffee, you are certainly not alone. From single cup office coffee to specialty coffee that is found at your local coffee shop, people all over the country of the United States consume coffee and coffee products on a regular, if not daily, basis. And many people do, in fact, consume it daily – and often multiple times in a day, at that. In fact, in one survey done on the American public, more than sixty percent responded that they had had at least one cup of coffee the previous day, and many had had more than just that one cup. The average coffee drinker living in the United States will drink just over three cups of coffee within the span of one day, from the office coffee provider to coffee from a commercial coffee maker. Coffee lovers come in all shapes and sizes and have many preferences and likes and dislikes surrounding how they take their coffee. But whether t

Coffee Is a Great Way to Start Your Day

Even the stir sticks were adorable!
When your 17 year old daughter drove clear across town for a piano lesson that was actually an hour later than she expected, she made the most of her time. With a great reading book in hand, she simply drove to the closet coffee store. Little did she know that her promptness that day would lead her to find the most awesome coffee shop that she did not even know existed. Many coffee drinkers have a list of coffee shops that they would like to visit some day, but when you find a spot that you have never heard of before the excitement is real. From custom paper coffee cups that carry a logo hoping to create a following to cafes that you just stumble upon when you are off the beaten path, there are an ever increasing number of

The Benefits Of Peanut And Groundnut Consumption

There’s no doubt about it that peanuts and peanut products are widely popular and widely used in all places all throughout the United States. And from good cholesterol in peanuts to a wide variety of peanut products, there are numerous reasons that peanuts should be consumed. Peanuts are popular among children and adults alike, and have served as a school (and work) lunch staple for years and years, dating back decades in our country’s history.

First of all, there are many ways to consume peanuts. Peanuts can be eating as is, but are most commonly roasted and salted before being consumed as a peanut snack. Peanut snacks can also include trail mixes and granola bars, in which they are commonly used. And peanut butter cannot be forgotten about, as it is perhaps the most common peanut product in use today. In fact, it is so popular that it is estimated that around ninety percent of homes in the United States have a jar of peanut butter that gets regular use. Peanut butter has been aroun