The Best Craft Beer, Ever

In the United States of America, thousands of breweries produce various beers. On the YouTube channel “2 Dudes And a 6 Pack,” a video titled “Top 10 Breweries in the United States” discusses some of the top ten breweries in the United States based on the ratings of 250 beers by the Brewers Association.

The Bells-inspired brewing company, founded in 1983, is at the top of some great American breweries’ lists. Additionally to Hosplan and Two Hearted Ale, Inspired brewing produces other craft beers. Toppling Goliath is ranked ninth on the list compiled by Brewing Company, creators of Kentucky Bruch Brand stunt, and king Sue.

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Cigar City, which opened in 2007, is another excellent brewery. It produces beers such as the Café Americano Double Stout and Life is. Another option is the quirky Buddha, which brews beers like Last Buffalo in the park and Morning Wood. Alesmith and Three Floyds are also included on the list often. Russian River and Trillium, The Treehouse Brewing companies, are ranked number two, while The Hill Farmstead is ranked first. The Hill Farmstead opened in 2010 and specialized in producing beers such as Civil disobedience.

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