America is known for its melting pot of ethnicities and traditions — and one thing that ties into both things is food. If you walk down a street in a big city, you’re sure to see Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Thai, and a few dozen other ethnic restaurants available. Perhaps as a result of our border with Mexico, Mexican food is particularly popular in the United States, both in its Americanized form (think Taco Bell) or more authentic versions. Indeed, the food, drug mass index reports that the biggest section of ethnic foods in the market is Mexican – over 60% of the index. Moreover, in 2012, Packaged Facts reported that Hispanic food and beverages made up $8 billion in sales and predicted that in 2017, that number could have skyrocketed to $11 billion.
What’s the Appeal?
One the main appeals of Mexican food is that it’s different from the generic “American” food — white bread sandwiches, meat and potatoes, sponge cake. It’s always fun for people to try something new. The spices are different, the meats are prepared differently, and much of Mexican food can be eaten with your hands. Even better, many of the recipes are simple, like arroz con pollo (at its most basic, that’s rice with chicken) or tacos. More elaborate dishes like empanadas and tamales have found favor as appetizers or a quick snack, and delicious cakes like cake tres leches or a flan are sweet and an exotic treat.
Moreover, a lot of these dishes are best homemade. In a culture where baking a cake with cake mix is preferred to making one from scratch, it’s a good excuse to get into the kitchen with your family or significant other and really cook. The most authentic tres leches cake recipe would be impossible to replicate by baking a cake with cake mix. You need fresh ingredients. Indeed, Hispanics are more likely to seek out the freshest ingredients for their cooking, versus non-Hispanics.
What Are The Benefits of Eating Authentic Mexican Cuisine?
Every time you eat a different kind of food, you’re expanding your culinary and taste horizons. Trying ceviche, for example (fresh raw fish with citrus juices) may give you ideas of ingredients that pair well with fish. Finding a great salsa or mole sauce may encourage you to try and replicate it at home. Eating diverse food can also help you connect to the culture better — it’s always said that if you travel, you should try the local food to really get a literal taste of the culture. Additionally, many ingredients used in traditional Mexican cooking are good for you — rice, beans, corn, avocado, and plenty of fresh vegetables all contribute to a healthy eating lifestyle. Sometimes it takes breaking out of your comfort food zone to find things that taste just as good, but may be better for you.
There’s a whole world of exciting and new food out there waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to try new things — go with a friend if you’re generally a timid eater. And next time you think about baking a cake with cake mix, set down that box and go try something new.