The Tasteful World Of Microgreens and Edible Flowers
Microgreens and edible flowers, like a crystallized rose, have been used as accents for food for the past 20 to 30 years. But what is a microgreen? Think of them as miniature edible plants made from young vegetables, herbs and various plants. Their sizes are typically between 1 to 1.5 inches, that size includes the stems and leaves. Just a sprinkle of a microgreen can make your meal pop with flavor and color. This goes for edible plants as well, like a crystallized rose, with near 100 different commonly found garden flowers that can be eaten and have a pleasant enough taste to do so.
Microgreens also find their niche within the fine dining restaurants. You will find far more fine dining restaurants utilizing microgreens than you will, say, a fast food joint. You might spend a few dollars at a fast food restaurant, while on the other hand, you will be spending an average $28.55 for some great fine dining, in the United States that is.
While some microgreens can be grown by you