A staggering nine out of every 10 Americans isn’t eating enough vegetables each day. This deprives them of key nutrients in their diet, and therefore, their body isn’t at its full potential. While it may seem difficult to pack all of the nutrients you need in, there is one food that can help you out: hummus! Hummus has healthy ingredients that give you many of the nutrients your body needs. Read on for some of the key benefits of eating hummus.
Hummus has a ton of nutrients in it. In fact, just two spoonfuls a day fulfills the bean recommendation each week. Dietary Guidelines recommend more vegetables — beans especially — since they are nutrient dense, can aid weight loss and management, and reduce your risk for health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and inflammation. This could be your key to a healthier life with a minimal change, which is ideal for many people.
You aren’t just stuck with one flavor when it comes to hummus. In fact, it comes in a seemingly endless array of flavors. You can find red pepper hummus, roasted garlic hummus, basil pesto hummus, and many more! The difference in flavors makes it an interesting food with endless possibilities.
Lastly, as mentioned above, this is one of the few foods that has a ton of versatility. From hummus dips, to spreads, to combining it with other foods for different flavors and pairings, you can do a ton of different things. This makes it a fun food to experiment with, and you’ll never be bored with the combinations!
Have you tried hummus? What’s you favorite flavor and food pairing? Have you noticed a healthy change since you started eating it? We would love to hear your thoughts and comments!