Why Cajun Restaurants Are So Popular

Cajun cuisine for bunch has been around far longer than any of us can fathom—a combination of breakfast AND lunch? It’s impossible to think someone didn’t create such a great combination before the word brunch caught on, I’m sure they just didn’t have a name for such a thing. Regardless, most people have tasted cajun dishes at some point in their lives, even if they don’t realize it—and I bet they loved it. Bruch with Cajun specialties is a bit of an oddball; Cajun is a specified combination cuisine that everyone has differently, which is why it isn’t hard to believe some of the best cajun seafood recipes are international versions that place a traditional spin we can’t seem to eat enough of. Statistics showed in 2016, 80% of individuals preferred cajun cuisine when dining out, but a recent survey conducted in 2018 showed a significant change. 63% of professional chefs predicted ethnic-inspired breakfas