It was an eventful day for The Boys. In fact, there is no better way to end a rough week than to go fishing with your dad. All was well with the two fishermen until they came in from wading and the boat would not start. Because they were all the way in another town they got to enjoy a 2 hour tow ride on the water. During the slow float, your son slept and your husband enjoyed a beer. Making memories, even though they are not the kind that The Boys were thinking.
While your husband and son were out on the lake finding a way to deal with a week that included too many missed at bats for your high school baseball playing son and the fact that your husband’s office is going to relocate many miles away from your home, you did one of the things that you do best: you planned for the future. With your catalog that includes the best wine deals online, you have planned for not only next month’s St. Patrick’s Day gathering, but the spring graduation festivities as well. And while there are many people who want nothing more than a full supply of green beer on March 17, you need something a little more refined. Every year when friends and family gather at your house, you offer your non green beer drinking friends one or two new selections from your favorite wine deals online resources.
What Family or Friend Celebrations Do You Have Coming Up in the Near Future?
If you are living right correctly, there are many occasions to celebrate and commemorate. And while there is much energy, time, and money that goes into the best selection of foods, there are also many people who want to make sure that they have the best drinks as well. In an attempt to keep things both more affordable and more varied, there are times when finding the best wine deals online is great solution.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times when wine is the perfect solution for not only a quiet night home alone, but also a gathering of family and friends as well:
- With locations all of the 50 states, there are over 7,700 wineries across the country.
- Although there are many who enjoy more, the standard serving for red wine is five ounces.
- The latest research indicates that as many as 65% of people aged 55 and older drink liquor, beer, or wine.
- As a significant indication that this is a trend that will continue, the this same research shows that a slightly higher number, between 71% and 73%, of Millennials drink liquor, beer, or wine. For many of these consumers, online wine sellers are increasingly popular.
- 44% of women claimed New Year’s Eve is the holiday most associated with alcohol, according to a survey of 1,000 Americans by Alcohol.org. Many people, however, are finding a number of holidays they love to celebrate with specific kinds of wines and other speciality drinks.
- With very few people abstaining, 86.4% of adults have tried alcohol at least once in their lifetime, according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) findings.
- Given that more than 80% of internet users have bought goods or services online, it only makes sense many people also find that they want to purchase wine online.
- In fact, 71% of online shoppers believe that they can find a better deal online than in-store, and wine is no exception.
- One of the reasons there are so many different kinds of wine is that there are more than 10,000 different types of wine grapes.
Instead of having to travel the country or the world to get a variety of wine to offer at your gatherings, it is increasingly common for many Millennials to find wine deals online before they host a gathering. In fact, there are an increased number of people from all age ranges that have found wine online shopping is a convenient way to find the options that they are looking for. Having a fully stocked wine cellar is increasingly common in many homes, and many of these wine enthusiasts realize that they ca affordably get the variety they want through an online wine shop.