What Is Hummus? Find Out Everything You Need to Know About This Versatile Dish

Different flavors of hummus

If you’ve looked through the grocery store aisles recently, you may have seen a food for sale called hummus. No matter if you’ve heard of it or not, hummus is a popular dish hailing from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. This food has gained popularity in recent years, which brings more people to wondering about whether it’s right for them.

Whether you’re asking “What is hummus?” because you’ve never eaten it or if you want more ways to incorporate this food in your diet, make sure to read up on the frequently asked questions about hummus below:

What is hummus?

Hummus is a dish made from chickpeas and tahini (or sesame paste). It also includes other spices to make it more palatable. The chickpeas are ground up, so they can be used as a hummus spread or dip.

Can hummus recipes vary?

Yes! Hummus can have a variety of vegetables, spices, and other ingredients added to it. Roasted red peppers, chipotle peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, artichokes, lemons, pine nuts, and other ingredients all work well in different types of hummus. Recipes with hummus may call for different ingredients, but these can easily be substituted depending on preference.

How can hummus be eaten?

Hummus is typically eaten as either a spread or a dip. Hummus spreads go well on sandwiches or pita pockets and can be combined with vegetables and cheeses for a healthy meal. Hummus as a dip, however, is good with vegetables, crackers, pita breads, and more.

Is hummus nutritious?

Hummus is generally low in calories and serves as an adequate source of protein. It is appropriate for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free diets, too. Some types of hummus may be low-carb, as well.

Where can hummus be purchased?

Generally, hummus is available in supermarkets and grocery stores all over the country. It can usually be found near dairy cases or in an all-natural foods section of the store. It is generally low-cost and is an affordable way to get some nutrition in your diet.

Have more questions about hummus or want easy hummus recipes? Leave a comment below.

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